National Dog Day: Dog Athletes of Tailwind

It is the best day of the year. A day for our best friends. To the 'lil zooming balls of energy and kindness, you make our lives full.

Here at Tailwind we take National Dog Day very seriously! We will take any excuse to celebrate our furry friends. This year we asked the Tailwind athletes about their dogs. Keep reading to hear about the Tailwind Dog Athletes, and their favorite hobbies, oh and to see super cute pics of them!


Harvey Lewis Ultrarunner

Harvey Lewis
Location: Circleville, OH

Dog Name: Carly
Age: unknown. She is a rescue.

Favorite activity: Running of course. She gets ridiculously excited at the mention of the word. Carly will never turn down a run. In the heat of the summer a couple miles are plenty. She has run up to 27 miles when it’s cool.

Jack Breezley
Trail Runner
Location: Durango, CO

Dog Name: Mazy
Age: She is just over 7 years old.

Favorite activity: Trail running during the winter when the trails are covered in snow!


Joe Grant (2 dogs)
Durango, CO

Name: Luce (aka pig)
Age: 2.5
Favorite activity: truffle hunting

Dog name: Honey (aka chicken) (she’s the chihuahua)
Age: 2.5
Favorite activity: napping and patrolling


Lindsay Flanagan
Boulder, CO

Name: Ellie
Age: 8 months
Favorite activity: Playing with ALL the toys


Catra Corbett
Bishop, CA

Name: TruMan
Age: 16 years 5 months
Favorite activity: Retired ultra runner. He now enjoys short hikes and sleeping.

TruMan got the red Jeep (pictured above) when he turned 16 last March, he’s legal to drive.

Name: BaXter
Age: 3 years 4 months
Favorite activity: Running and getting the plastic squeaker out of all stuffed animals.

Name: Whitney
Age: 1 year 9 months
Favorite activity: Zoomies aka running and fetching

Tyler Green
Portland, OR
Name: Teddy

Age: 3
Favorite activities are trail running, eating, and sitting in shallow pools of water.

Teddy photo credit: @stevemortinson (IG)

Kyle Curtin
Durango, CO

Dog Name: Tommy
Age: 9 years old
Favorite activity: Greeting people at the door with a sniff and tail wag.

Sarah Keyes
Saranac Lake, NY

Dog Name: Mocha
Age: 10 years young
Favorite activity is mountain running!


Evelina Sutro
Plymouth, MN

Dog Name: Ottis
Age: 2 years old 
Loves playing keep away!


Leah Fair
Track and Bobsled
Las Vegas, NV

Dog Name: Bella  
Age: 7 years old
Favorite activity: She loves to lick and cuddle

It is the best day of the year. A day for our best friends. We hope you enjoyed meeting the Tailwind Dog Athlete team. Now go take your dog on a walk or run and give them a belly rub!

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